'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 2176건
- 2019.08.12 chrpath makeinfo 가 없을 때.
- 2019.07.25 esp32 update 하고 git 앞뒤로 바꾸다가 build 안될때
- 2019.07.09 vlc stream 할 떄 timestamp 같이 찍기
- 2019.07.02 file 을 file 로 mount 하기 (--bind)
- 2019.07.01 Fuchsia build 해보기
- 2019.06.28 gcc의 확장기능 __builtin_xxxx function
- 2019.06.26 Yocto Project / post install / useful default values (기본환경변수) / version check
- 2019.06.24 How to Unpack system.new.dat.br file which I found in Android 8.1 rom(aosp Based)
- 2019.06.21 make
- 2019.06.12 Raspberry Pi Buildroot
- 2019.05.31 android 에서 htop 쓰기
- 2019.05.29 iw, wpa_supplicant, wpa_cli, hotstop, softap
- 2019.05.21 TS 공부, tcc TS 분석
- 2019.05.21 yocto 연습
- 2019.05.21 zynq boot args
- 2019.05.16 Playing Audio over Bluetooth on Rasbperry Pi (Using Bluealsa, Command Line)
- 2019.05.15 netrc 자동 로그인 ssh, ftp, github
- 2019.05.14 Bluetooth SCO / CVSD 뜻
- 2019.05.14 Android Bluetooth 스터디
- 2019.05.07 Showing all broadcast event on Android
- 2019.04.17 inittab respawn
- 2019.04.01 ubuntu apt update public key error
- 2019.03.14 마크다운
- 2019.03.12 automake cmake
- 2019.03.08 systemd
- 2019.03.06 Android APK 32bit or 64bit 선택해서 설치하기
- 2019.03.05 How to convert system.new.dat.br to system.new.dat
- 2019.02.25 dbus로 MPRIS 날려서 VLC 제어해보기
- 2019.02.24 Tensorflow
- 2019.02.22 How to build meson 빌드하기 (mpris dbus) Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification